Thursday, January 13, 2011

I will never buy Play-doh again!!

So I was feeling like supermom this morning and decided to try a batch of play-doh for the following reasons:

*Willem LOVES playdoh and plays with it alot
*Adi is wanting to play with playdoh, and I catch her eating it from time to time (if she's gonna get some in her mouth, I'd rather it be chemical free)
*Playdoh isn't cheap....and who doesn't like to save money?
*Willem loves to help bake & cook, so I figured he would love to make something that he could actually play with.

Seeing that I'd never done this before, I picked a recipe online, suprisingly that I could make with things I had in my pantry!

The recipe was pretty simple, easy to follow, and quick! And the result was impressive! It's not perfect...the only thing I would like to change is the grainy texture, and the fact that they reccommend storing in the fridge. The site I found this recipe on had several recipes, so I may try another next time!

This guy sure loves it! Especially since it makes so much...not just a little can full!

Here's the recipe, in case you're interested!

Cooked Playdough Recipe
2 cups flour
1 TBSP cooking oil
1 tsp. cream of tarter
2 cups of colored water
1 cup of salt

Place all of the ingredients in a medium size pan. Stir well, then cook over medium heat until the dough thickens. Keps best in the fridge in a plastic container!

I'd love to hear your favorite dough recipe...I think I'll try a non-cooked one next time to compare!



The no bake Kool aid recipe for Play doh is wonderful!!! Its not grainy and it smells wonderful!!


Kool-Aid Playdough
• 1 1/4 cup flour
• 1/4 cup salt
• 1 pkg unsweetened Kool-aid (just the dry koolaid, don't mix it into juice)
• 1 cup boiling water
• 1 1/2 Tbsp vegetable oil
1. In a bowl, mix flour, salt and kool-aid.
2. Stir in water and oil
3. Knead with hands for about 5 minutes.
4. Store in ziploc bag for up to 2 months.
5. Use like playdough.
6. Smells wonderful and takes on the color of the koolaid.

Heather deBoer

I did see that recipe too...I'll have to try it next time. My son played with this for about an hour, and as it cooled, the grainy texture when away a bit, and I was very impressed by how it wasn't sticky at all, and didn't dry out!

Thanks for the recipe, I'll let you know how mine turns out!


You did the same recipe that my mom used to make for me! I loved it alot, except for the grainy texture like you mentioned, and if you have cuts on your hand the salt get in there and stings!! ouch! Still better than buying it tho! thanks for sharing the recipes! will try them soon!


I used a recipe like that for the kids when I was in Wyoming last summer. They loved it!

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